After I discovered my personality type of INFP, I was linked to a description of my type, and found it almost shocking how dead on it was. I shall post the description here. anything bold is what I believe is undoubtedly true. italicized indicates that it's somewhat true, and
(NOTE- For some reason it made most of the below text unreadable? Just highlight it to read it.
creative, smart, idealist, loner, attracted to sad things, disorganized, avoidant, can be overwhelmed by unpleasant feelings, prone to quitting, prone to feelings of loneliness, ambivalent of the rules, daydreams about people to maintain a sense of closeness, focus on fantasies, acts without planning, low self confidence, emotionally moody, can feel defective, prone to lateness, likes esoteric things, wounded at the core, feels shame, frequently losing things, prone to sadness, prone to dreaming about a rescuer, disorderly, observer, easily distracted, does not like crowds, can act without thinking, private, can feel uncomfortable around others, familiar with the darkside, hermit,
So as you can see, minus three things, all of these pertain to me, most of them being so true it's slightly sickening. in fact, anything bolded with 'can be' is usually 'is always'. It makes me realize how many flaws I really do have- not that I haven't noticed them before, I always knew I was one defected human being, yet I never really gave it much thought before this.
This friend of mine, you know her as Faye, had both myself and Life Support take the test. Out of curiosity I had my love take the test as well, and oddly enough, those two both got the same thing- INTJ. Now I would go further into this and do the same thing I did for my description as I did theirs, but.. Actually, what the hell, I might as well. This is what I feel they are.
Starting with Love:
As I was going through this, I also thought about what I'd put for LS, and I realized that I really don't know what fits him or not, considering I haven't met him in real life nor have we had a decent conversation(not counting this month) in what seems to be over a year, probably even longer. It makes me wonder how much I truly know about him.
I'm tempted to dwell more into the studies behind this test, and deeper into my personality.. maybe some other time.