Here's a bit of a jumbled post, but I'll try to go in order. The next few days are senior trip, something I was kinda robbed of(wanted to go, didn't sign up because I thought I was going to Japan, it was canceled, too late to join the Disney hype). But because of that there will only be 2 people in my Japanese class, doing absolutely nothing in Physics, English and Discrete math, and so the only classes I really need to go to are Chorus and Improv. Chorus because the spring concert's coming up, and no one but a handful of people know what the hell they're doing. I am one of those people, so technically I could skip it, but I still want to make sure that I got everything down so that when the time comes I can shine at this concert. My last concert.. Scary to think. But the funny thing is, due to the theme being Broadway, the Senior Song this year is Finale B from Rent. In 6th grade, the year I actually started to really get into singing, we did that song(among others from Rent), and now I'm ending my school singing experience with that song. It's very symbolic for me yupyup.
So, while mom's puffing a bit of her life away and waiting to drive me in to school I decided to post this. o2o I think another reason why I have so much to say is becauseI can't speak it- not only are all the people I talk to on senior trip, but today is the national Day Of Silence. This day is a vow to not speak to bring attention to the silencing effect of bullying people for their sexuality. Being bicurious myself and having alot of friends who are homosexual or bisexual, I've always took part in this day of action. And though it will be difficult since the main classes I have to go to are singing and acting, plus I have a dress fitting,I'm going to try to the best of my ability to participate in this.
Oh yeah, dress fitting. Since I'm going to prom I was looking around at dresses. My mom wanted me to pick one out at a store/boutique, so I could have a 'casual prom dress', so I went to humor her. And surprizingly I found a very pretty lavender dress that looks really pretty. It was pretty cheap too, the dress and the shoes only costing a combined 85 bucks, but what's gonna kill my wallet is the alterations. Being a sample dress, they can't order another one and it's a bit too huge for me, so we have to do many alterations. So I have to do that today. I'm going to try and schedule a tux fitting for Jesse too, and see just how much one will cost. I wanna make sure I'll have enough money for everything.
My mom's been waiting for close to twenty minutes so I'll speed through everything else. Work is hectic, very challenging, my one friend who I share a sister with may be working there too. Though I don't think I have so far in this, my language has been set to trucker mouth. I curse way too much now, and it scares me. I don't even know why I do it. Season finale of ponies tomorrow, or atleast part 1 of it. So fricken excited.
Now this topic I don't want to skip over because it has another powerful meaning, so I'll probably just make a seperate post about it when I get home. Until then, stay sparkling and happy ramblings.
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