Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Is it sad that I want it to be winter again, a nice cold winter where snow falls? It's not just due to this heat, or anything holiday-related, or even the fact that I'll be out of school by then(god it's scary to say that.).

It's simply because of the emotions that go with snow. What I've realized over the years is that humans(and me) tend to act opposite the weather: If it's a very warm summer day, the heat turns their personalities cold and bitter. But with the cold, there is more love, peace, and people are more cheerful. The rain, being as it can be either cold or warm when it falls, has mixed personality ties. For me personally rain depresses me, and I never liked it.

Snow, on the other hand, is the most beautiful and spirit-lifting natural phenomenon on this earth. To see the delicate crystals fall, blanket the streets and trees with white, I can't help but smile and stare for a while. Once the storm subsides and the virgin snow remains untouched, sparkling in the night and almost as vibrantly as the stars, I feel like I am in a whole new world. A world of love, a world of beauty. And while some people look forward to shoveling snow for extra bucks, or making snow forts and snowmen, my one interest is on a clear, starry night laying in the snow, feeling the bitter chill and taking in the beauty of the sky and the snow around me.

I find it to be romantic, also. Some people say the most romantic thing is kissing in the rain, but kissing in the rain is for dramatic scenes with tears and sorrow. Kisses in the snow are truly romantic, as it feels like time stands still as the crystals slowly fall around the two of you. It brings out the already existing beauty of the other person. It brings out love.

So while most people are looking foward to a summer of tanning, the beach, heat, and carnivals, I'm just counting the days until I can lay in that winter dreamland once more.

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