Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Every so often, I check his page just to see how he's doing in this world.

His page, along with our other old friend. She's still beautiful, still going strong. She's forming her own business and trying to get somewhere in the world.I'm so proud of her.

He's in college now, and already doing so well. I'm so proud of him.

Then, there's me.. I guess each group of three friends has that one who is worse of than the other two, the weak link, so to speak. I'm not in school, I don't have any real ambitions or accomplishments that make me as set for the future as these two.

I have a man who loves me, a job I love, but I've had that for years. No real progression in my future has happened other than moving away from my hometown and family to keep said job and love.

I don't even know what I want to be anymore. I don't know what I want my future to be like. And it saddens me.

I feel lost, stunted. And maybe I am.

But seeing these two grow, to see how proud they make people, it gives me comfort.

If only a little.