Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Stranger

You've been in my life since I started avidly using the computer.

You've been in my life since the time I thought I would never fit in.

I would never have a boyfriend, never have a bunch of truly good friends, never be looked at as anything but a freak- that is what I believed.

I knew I had problems. But once I met you, they started to disappear. Or atleast go to better use, like roleplaying.

We got to the point of talking every single day- on the chatbox, on the phone, later on Facebook. You came to know more about me than anyone else, and I felt like I knew you just as well.

I fell in love with you. You saved my life. And I didn't care that I would never meet you in real life, you meant so much to me that I would go through hell to keep you as a friend.

And trust me, if the past three years weren't hell I don't know what is.

From best friends, to lovers, to a broken friendship. Kept me a secret from your friends and family, kept 'us' a secret from our own friends. We broke up for the last time, you promised we would stay friends.You ignored me. Tried to make me hate you to get over you. You idiot, can't you see I could NEVER hate you no matter how much of a bastard you are? Yes, you piss me off to no end. You make/made me cry more than a girl should. And still you are the first person I want to talk to when I'm feeling horrible, the first person I need when I'm going through a crisis. I should have learned by now you don't care, don't respond. But I do it anyway. Shoot you some friendly attempts at a conversation, get you something if only a card for your birthday/Christmas.

Hoping that the boy who saved my life is still somewhere inside the stranger I see.

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