Friday, November 4, 2011

The Mistake

People ask me if I have regrets and mistakes I would change.

Most of the time, on their end, your name comes up. But, You are not a regret of mine.

'We' are a regret of mine, just as 'we' were a mistake, not you. I could never regret meeting you, being your friend, even falling in love with you.

But I regret how we spent our time together, how we took it farther than we should have and it ended up killing our friendship. We never should have been together, no matter how much I loved you, no matter how much you loved me. Because love can only be set in stone if both people want it to be, and it's kind of hard if you can't meet eachother.

I regret that we didn't talk things over, I regret that we didn't sit down and talk on the phone about our problems like adults. I regret that we couldn't fix things after the mistake of letting it go too far.

But, I don't regret you.

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